
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The tested gimmick for changing 3 gold coins into 300

Ubqari Magazine - February 2020

Spot baldness Powder barham dandi one amsha in morning and evening along with water. Use it regularly for a few days

Abdul rehman bin yazeed bin Jabar says that Abu mama رضی اللہ عنہ used to love to do charity and used to collect money and never refused any beggar even if it was an onion, or date or may be something edible. One day a beggar came and Abu amama had none of these. All he had were 3 gold coins. When beggar begged he gave one to him, then another beggar came, he gave another coin then another one came and gave him third coin.  His slave girl said I became angry and I said you left nothing for us? She says that he put his head down for nap. When Zuhar azan was called I woke him up did ablution and went to mosque. I felt pity for him and he was fasting so I took a loan from somewhere and prepared evening meal and lit the lamp and I came towards his bed to prepare it. Suddenly on one side I saw some god coins’ hen I counted them there were 300 coins.  I thought he must have trusted these coins. He returned at Isha time when he saw food, cloth and saw lit lamp. He saw and smiled, he said this is benefit from God. I stood by him on the head side. Till he ate evening meal and I said may God have mercy on you. You left this money without any care and didn’t even tell me so that I could have picked them up.  He said which expense? I didn’t leave anything. I picked up bed sheet and showed it to him. When he saw it he became happy and was really surprised. She says I stood up and broke up my ZANAR I have seen and accepted Islam. Ibn e jabar says that I have seen that woman inside a mosque of HAMAS. She used to teach Quran, Sunnah, obligations and questions of religion. (Book hayat us sahaba part 10 page no 733)

Blessing in money

It is in the incident of Hazarat Sulman رضی اللہ عنہ accepting Islam. He says that there was some debt in exchange of writing, respected Hazrat Prophet ﷺ was brought a piece of gold taken from a mine and it was in amount of chicken`s egg. Propjet ﷺ enquired where is Salman Farsi? Hazrat Salman رضی اللہ عنہ  says I was summoned to prophet ﷺ. He ﷺ said O Salman take this and pay the debt that you have over you. I replied in exchange for debt that I have how this will be equal to that. Prophet ﷺ said take and God will pay from[1] what debt you have on you.

I cleared my debt and I was freed.

I took it and started to weigh it for my owners. I swear on the entity which has my soul in HIS hand. I weighed it and whatever was their right I paid it and was freed.  There is one narration that Hazrat Salman رضی اللہ عنہ asked O Prophet of God ﷺ how will I ever I compare it to actual? The prophet ﷺ took it and rolled it over his tongue and said take it and now pay the whole debt of 40 Oqia. One narration says that Prophet ﷺ put it on his tongue and rolled it over then told me to go and pay my debt.

The effect of prayer of prophet ﷺ he put His hand in the mud and it gave profit

It is narrated by Urwa Barqi رضی اللہ عنہ that Prophet ﷺ met Hazart Jalab رضی اللہ عنہ and gave him a dinar and said buy me a goat. He went and bought two goats then sold one of the goats in the hands of another man that he met. Then he brought one dinar and one goat to prophet ﷺ. Then He ﷺ said may God give you blessing in your right hand in matters (business) he narrated that even if I stood with trash then I didn’t return to home with 40000 dinars in profit. One narration is that he says I used to stand in koufa market in things of second use and used to earn 40000-dinar profit before returning to home. One narration is that Prophet ﷺ prayed for blessing in his business so if even he buys mud then he got profit.

For you Prophet ﷺ has prayed for blessings

Abu Aqeel رضی اللہ عنہ narrates that Hs grandfather Abdullah Bin Hasham used to go to market and buy grains. Then he used to meet Ibn e Zubair and Ibn e Umer رضی اللہ عنہ and they said include us in your trade because Prophet ﷺ has prayed for you. So they all used to share partnership. So sometimes they used to get profit equal to weight of a camel and used to send them home.

Book Hyat us Sahaba part 10 page 734

Cough finished after drinking qahwa of jiggery

Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahib Asslam o Alaikum my father had cough, tried all kinds of medicines but to no avail. Someone suggested qahwa of jiggery. We prepared water with tea and put jiggery and made qahwa. My father was given it a few times in a day. Within a few days and cough was finished.

 Gimmick for eradicating quarrel.

If there is a scare of 2 men fighting, then do a captivation recitation of surah Ikhlas from 6 sides front back top down. Now recite surah Ikhlas 3 times and think of all six sides by imaging it and blow.

For getting a ride

If you are in a hurry to reach somewhere then memories Surah Yaseen and recite you will get ride instantly. If there is any difficulty the recite this surah. You will get it done. (Jahngir ahmed, abbt abad)


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